
GSC Continues Partnership with USCAH

Birmingham, Ala. - The Gulf South Conference will continue its relationship with the U.S. Council for Athletes’ Heath (USCAH) to provide athletic healthcare advising, policy and procedure development, and educational services to the conference and its member institutions.

“The knowledge and expertise provided by USCAH has been extraordinarily beneficial to our membership,” said GSC Commissioner Matt Wilson. “Having a dedicated partner that specializes in the health care space makes a big difference for us.”

A key focus for the second year of the partnership will be to provide information and resources related to student-athlete well-being including mental health as well as helping the membership navigate the current challenges in recruiting and retaining athletic trainers.  

GSC member institutions will continue to receive preferred pricing opportunities to utilize the Athletics Healthspace, which is a USCAH developed e-learning portal that provides assessments and educational training on an array of topics for student-athletes, coaches, and athletic department personnel. 
Through the partnership, GSC schools also get access to the membership platform, Athletics Healthcare Administrator Association (AHAA). Specifically designed to provide athletic healthcare administrators the ability to connect with a virtual community that offers peer and expert insights and discussions, real-time industry news and updates, webinars, as well as additional content focused on best practices in healthcare.

About USCAH 
The U.S. Council for Athletes’ Health (USCAH) was founded upon the need within athletic institutions for trusted, independent partners with the experience and expertise to advise and consult with organizations regarding their healthcare delivery system. USCAH is committed to providing independent and unbiased medical expertise to organizations and individuals dedicated to the optimal health and safety for the athletes they serve. 
USCAH is comprised of a diverse, multidisciplinary team of medical experts with experience serving in high-level positions within intermediate and collegiate athletic organizations. The team was strategically comprised of experts positioned to address all aspects of athletic healthcare, including compliance, assessment, education, personnel, programming, and more. For more information, visit
The Gulf South Conference is a charter NCAA Division II member based in Birmingham, Ala., and has 13 member institutions — Alabama Huntsville, Auburn Montgomery, Christian Brothers, Delta State, Lee, Mississippi College, Montevallo, Shorter, Union, Valdosta State, West Alabama, West Florida, and West Georgia. The GSC proudly sponsors 19 sports and hosts 18 annual championship events.