AN360 at a Glance
AN360 is Athlete Network's professional development commitment to the staff of our partner schools and is ripe with leadership opportunities. It is a comprehensive learning and leadership experience designed to guide network administrators in their journey to support athletes in their journey via Athlete Network software and its engagement solutions.

Because Athlete Network knows informed, inspired and goal-oriented staff are the key conduits to athlete engagement and a successful network, all AN360 support is available at no additional charge.

Your staff are truly the difference between being proactive versus reactive for your athletes and institution and our team is here to help them learn fast.
The Need for Professional

The rapid changes in college athletics coupled with tremendous staff turnover have created gaps in professional development and onboarding of new employees. Senior leaders are too busy navigating change, middle management is where the bulk of turnover has taken place and young professionals are looking for leadership.
Through AN360 your staff will have opportunities to:
  • Elevate their and your school’s brand through idea sharing
  • Make connections and directly collaborate with peer professionals
  • Gain access to a library of engagement opportunities for your athletes
  • Increase their job satisfaction while taking the guesswork out of athlete engagement
  • Discover ways for your whole staff to innovate and collaborate amongst your own team
What to Expect with AN360
AN360 Account Manager
An Athlete Network team member dedicated to assisting you in achieving the outcomes you desire. Meetings recur on a regular basis and are available weekdays throughout the partnership. Have a question? Reach out and we can help you solve your obstacle or brainstorm ways to maximize what you are doing now.
AN360 Network
Athlete Network partners gain direct access to staff from other universities who do the same type of work and hundreds of how-to resources to help drive adoption of the software and the outcomes they seek. It is available 24-7-365.
AN360 Leaders
A monthly video call with all Athlete Network partners to learn directly from peers and keep up with the latest trends in athlete engagement. We strongly encourage partners to develop their leadership skills by sharing their recent wins and joining breakout sessions to learn from other leaders. 
AN360 Leaderboards
A little friendly competition goes a long way! Each month we celebrate your staff who have become leaders in key areas of athlete engagement. Follow along on LinkedIn and Twitter to see where you compare to your peers and celebrate your wins publicly.
AN360 Implementation Specialist and Guide
To streamline the process of getting your network started, Athlete Network has developed a step-by-step implementation guide you will walk through with your implementation specialist. We have gone down this path before, we will show you the way.
AN360 Timeout
When the days get busy it is important to be intentional about taking a "timeout" for strategy. Through the quarterly AN360 Timeout newsletter staff will get a quick dose of the latest updates in the software, reminders of seasonal topics and case studies on various engagement strategies from peers.
AN360 Discover
Athlete Network and our partners take pride in being industry leaders in evolving the student-athlete experience. Our community hosts timely and regular webinars and workshops where your staff is guaranteed to walk away with a new way of thinking or engaging and can implement TODAY.
AN360 Advisory Board
The Athlete Network tech roadmap is built directly from the feedback and needs of our partners. Through a selection process, the leaders among leaders are invited to a monthly call to help create the vision of the software. Not only can staff help create the tools they need, the role looks pretty good on their resume!
AN360 Engagement Plan Workshop
Having the technology tools you need to scale your work requires a mindset shift in how you deliver your engagement opportunities. The tech swings open the doors of possibility and we have developed an annual-monthly-daily engagement template just for you!
AN360 Chat
AN360 Chat is an added benefit to our partners that will help them leverage the expertise of their peers at all partner institutions through topic-based chats in the AN360 Network. Partners can quickly get the answers they need through collaborative discussions and document sharing.
Athlete Engagement Professional Development by the Numbers

Growing Leaders

According to 55% of CEOs, the biggest problem is creating the next generation of leaders. Roles in athletics are extremely specialized so internal peer learning is limited. Collaborating with peers externally provides the context and expertise needed to inspire your staff.

On Their Time

85% of employees want to choose training times that fit their schedule. We meet our partners where they are and collaborate on meeting times that work for them while making resources available 24-7-365.

Know Your Audience

76% of millennials believe professional development opportunities are one of the most important aspects of company culture. Millennials account for 35% of the US Workforce and one could argue that is much higher in college athletics.

Tap In

74% of employees said that a lack of professional development is preventing them from reaching their full potential. Fend off the trend of quiet quitting by tapping into AN360.

Do I Stay or Do I Go?

70% of employees are motivated to leave their current job for one where the company invests in employee development and learning, but 94% would stay longer if their current company invested in professional development for its employees.

Athlete Network software helps athletics organizations of all sizes centralize their athletes, programs and services in one convenient location so they can achieve the outcomes they desire and their athletes can #keepcompeting throughout the athlete journey. Our company is proud to provide several solutions to make this possible. Email us with questions you may have or schedule some time to see a walk-through of Athlete Network Solutions. We look forward to hearing from you!

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© Copyright 2022, Athlete Network, LLC.