If theres one constant in recruiting its change, and this years recruiting calendar is no exception. Recently the NCAA rolled out a new date when the football recruiting communications can begin with high school sophomores; shifting the date from (historically) September 1 to a new date of June 15. This new rule goes live on August 1, so the question remains when does the window actually open? Whether you are kicking off your recruiting on August 1 or September 1, Whistle is here to support our customers and optimize their efficiency, reach, and impact. Read on for the top 5 tips and tricks to prepare for the 2025 recruiting kick-off.

Update Your App

Make sure your app is up to date so you can maximize all of our latest features. Over the past few months, we have rolled out some exciting new updates such as hourly updates with ARMS, and the ability to create dynamic lists based on a search query.

Sync to Twitter

This ones a must! To take advantage of our Twitter functionality, make sure your accounts are synched with Twitter – check out these steps to get you there. Once youre synched, here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Twitter limits each user to 1,000 DMs per day
  • Image attachment size limit is 5MB
  • Video attachment size limit is 15MB
  • Video length limit is 140 seconds (2:20)

Start Following Recruits on Twitter

Now that your Twitter account has been synched, you can start following your recruits. This ones important!  As we know, Twitter has been through a few changes in the last year (thanks, Elon 😬) so the following limits have changed. There is no daily limit to the number of followers you can add, but you can only follow 50 accounts in a 15-minute period. So prioritize your list and let the following begin!

Upload your Recruits 

Make sure to get your recruits loaded into Whistle. You can do this individually, but we also have the functionality to perform bulk uploads or to synch your database. First Name, Last Name, Year, and either Phone Number or Twitter account are required. *Pro Tip: input the zip codes or time zones to take advantage of our Time Zone Messaging feature.

Upload Media

Uploading media to your Whistle account ahead of time makes it easy to include generic and custom graphics in messages to your contacts.

Generic graphics are static images, and when sent all contacts will receive the same image. But custom graphics are Whistles secret sauce, and allow you to send unique graphics to each contact in Whistle easily. Make sure to save your custom graphics to your contacts using the recruits first and last names linking them to the graphic and making them easy to access when sending messages. Full tutorial here.

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